Category Archives: Flexible Seating

Flexible Seating in the Classroom

Ashley from the blog Teach Create Motivate has been one of the first teachers testing Otto Storage Stools in her classroom. She has introduced flexible seating in her classroom a while ago and added the Otto Storage Stools as a further option for her students to use.

Flexible Seating Reflections

Otto Storage Stools in a classroom

Flexible Seating has become very popular in classrooms around the country in the past years. A lot of teachers have embraced this new trend and haven’t looked back. It is usually a “journey” and doesn’t happen over night. And, as with all transitions to new set-ups, it is not all “smooth sailing”.

Flexible Seating

Flexible Seating

This past year we’ve found out that teachers all around the country love using Otto Storage Stools in their classrooms as part of a “Fexible Seating” arrangement. We’ve started collaborating with a number of teacher bloggers to get a better understanding of teachers’ needs and how we can service them best.